Note. Ratings are made on a scale of 1 (Failure) to 5 (Excellent); PY 101 = Introduction to Psychology; PY 211 = Elementary Statistics; PY 370 = History and Systems; PY 371 = Psychology of Gender; PY 391 = 3rd Year Seminar: Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Recent Syllabus: Fall 2022
SOI: Detailed Report with Student Comments
(Spring 2021; Summer II, 2021; Fall 2022)
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How are statistics used to lie to us? Should you go on that fad diet, gift chocolate to infatuate your crush, or drink wine to live longer? Why is statistics perfect for people who hate math? What are the signs of a study we can trust or the red flags to avoid? Does any study tell us much, and how do we know if we are being lied to?
What is the point of this class? To build up your statistical literacy so that you can evaluate research that is important to you and make informed decisions.
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Themes of This Course
1) Evaluating Psychological Research
2) Understanding the "New" Statistics
3) Open Science and Best Research Practices

Summer and Spring 2021, Fall 2022
I loved this class even though I absolutely hated statistics in high school, and it is definitely because of Jacob Miranda. I really appreciated how he taught more about WHY we use statistics and meta-science rather than just making us blindly do random mathematical equations. He was very communicative and passionate about this course, which was much appreciated. I also really liked his grading and teaching style. Overall, it was a great experience, and I learned a lot, not just about stats, but about the world and science in general.
Jacob was a great instructor to me because he cared about what we learned and wanted to make sure we really got things nailed down. His class style was very unconventional; however, I still learned so much about statistics through this course. He is very down to earth and even offers personal time with students if you need help learning something that might not have been the clearest in class.
Jacob Miranda is an all-around phenomenal professor & individual. Each and every one of his students on our Summer II course knew he genuinely cared about our learning and well-being. He always made sure to incorporate real-world examples and teach us how to apply key concepts from the field of statistics to our everyday lives. He always asked for feedback on how his students were processing and understanding the material he was teaching for the day. If there was anything we didn’t understand he had no problem starting from the beginning, trying a different approach to explain the concept. Jacob was very relatable and made a lot of effort to make his Zoom students feel comfortable answering questions even if they aren’t sure if their answer is correct. He was honest with himself and us. If he could sense the class was having a down (not-so-interactive) day, he made sure to incorporate breaks for us and even went as far as to ask how our lives and days are going because he knows how stressful being a college student can be. It is very clear Jacob Miranda has a passion for teaching and truly cares if his students understand the material and can apply it to their lives after the course. I cannot say enough nice things about Mr. Miranda.
He really cares about his students, and from his teaching to the assignments he gives, you can see that. He doesn't just give us material, he shows us how to use the material in our lives and how it applies to real-world concepts, which is something not a lot of other teachers do. He also cares about our mental health and making sure that we as students aren't just test papers, but actual people who sometimes need a break. It is amazing to see a teacher acknowledge that.
Instructor Miranda did a fantastic job of teaching us elementary stats. I personally loved this class and loved having him as an instructor, he is very respectful of his students, their lives, and their time. He's able to make class fun and interesting while we learn, which is one of the most important aspects of a good teacher. Through this course, he made learning stats, which has a very negative reputation for being hard, and otherwise boring, into a very interesting course. I would personally recommend everyone I'm close with to take his courses if he's the instructor.